Social Networking Sites for Accident Prevention
The Representation of Texting While Driving on Law Enforcement Profiles Social Media Platforms in the Member States of the European Union
The number of mobile use while driving has risen sharply worldwide over the past 10 years. Since the advent of social media in the information society, the verbal and visual communication have been playing a significant role. The question may arise whether profiles run by law enforcement units employ any social advertising content to reduce these numbers. The research was completed by systematic sampling of the Facebook and Instagram profiles of the national-level law enforcement units in the EU Member States twice for a month-long period. It was observed whether, and how often the issue of texting while driving appeared. The results suggest that the content shared in the online sphere is not aligned with the offline campaigns and initiatives. The social problem has not been highlighted, although the potential for accident prevention purposes on social networking sites is available through the appropriate content management of these platforms including their proper content sharing practice.
How to Cite
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