Manuscript Submission Guidelines
- Please upload the manuscript in a Word file with .doc, .docx or .rtf extension (If the essay contains many diacritics, the essay can be attached in pdf format.)
- Manuscripts must be submitted anonymously. All references to authorship should be avoided in the submitted manuscript. Authorship information, acknowledgements, etc. should be submitted in the Author Information Form.
- A 10-12–line summary both in English and Hungarian (with five keywords at the end) should be inserted at the beginning of the manuscript, together with the English and the Hungarian titles of the article.
Bio (short CV)
Please include a short introduction in the comment section of the author's profile. The introduction may include the name (year of birth [optional]), academic degree, position, major position(s), research area(s), 3-5 important publications, e-mail address and/or website address (optional).
Formatting your article
1. Text
1.1. Body text
– with the simplest possible formatting: no templates, styles or automatic numbering
– paragraph: blunt paragraph (no indentation)
– highlights: with bold letters (underlining is not recommended)
– linguistic data: cursive (italic)
– separation: automatically or without separation (please fully avoid manual separation)
– foreign letters, symbols, signs: if the symbol is not included in Microsoft Word's default settings, please include the font used.
1.2. Titles and headlines
– highlighted with bold
– avoid using automatic numbering, chapter numbers should be typed in
– each numbered unit should have a title (not just numbers)
– in decimal numbering (for example 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1.) up to three levels
1.3. Footnotes, endnotes
– please do not use footnotes or endnotes
– all referenced works should be listed in the bibliography
2. Figures, tables and graphs
– in the simplest possible formatting
– title below the table, in italics, manually numbered, e.g., Table 3: The acronyms (source: own editing); Graph 4: Appearance of the word “migrant” in previous papers (source: Smith 1990: 12)
– it is advisable to attach the spreadsheet file, both in the text and separately in case of a figure, naming the file with the location of the figure in the article (e.g., KissBéla_graph4), .jpg extended file
– images, graphs and diagrams should be all named as “graph”
– the author's/publisher's permission is required for the publication of an image taken from another person
– the author's consent is required for the publication of a recognizable image of a living person
3. References
3.1. In-text citations
– in parentheses: author’s surname, the publication date of the work cited, colon, page number (Nida 1964: 411)
– the title of a book or journal in the text: cursive (italic)
3.2. Bibliography
– the source of the (linguistic) data or the primary literature should be named in a separate list (Sources)
– Bibliography only contains the authors referenced in the text
– alphabetically by last name of authors (no need for numbering)
– if the bibliography contains more than one item by the same author/editor, these should be listed in chronological order of publication
– if the same author published in the same year, the year should be followed by a-b-c (example: Vida 1984b)
– if an article has more than one author/editor, the full names of the authors/editors are separated by a dash (–)
– for Hungarian authors, the surname is followed by the first name (Nagy Andor 1986), for foreign authors, the surname is separated from the first name by a comma (Sontag, Susan 1990)
– referencing a book:
- [author’s surname], [author’s first name] [publication date]: [book title (in italics)]. [place of publication]: [publisher].
- Frehner, Carmen 2008: Email – SMS – MMS. The Linguistic Creativity of Asynchronous Discourse in the New Media Age. New York – Oxford – Wien: Peter Lang.
– referencing a journal article:
- [author’s surname], [author’s first name] [publication date]: [article title (not in italics)]. [journal name (in italics)], [volume]/[issue]: [page number].
- Smith, Brady 2020: Gender Bias in Online News. The Effect of Masculine Representation on Consumer Engagement. International Journal of Communication Research 60/3:128-140.
– referencing a conference proceedings: after editor(s): (ed.), (eds.):
- [author’s surname], [author’s first name] [publication date]: [publication title (not in italics)]. In: [editor(s) name]: [title of conference proceeding (in italics)]. [place of publication]: [publisher]. [page number].
- Brammerts, Helmut 1999: Fremdsprachenlernen mit neuen Technologien: Didaktische Überlegungen. In: Donath, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Internet und Multimedia in der Erwachsenenbildung. Stuttgart: Klett. 32–43.
– referencing Internet sources:
- [author’s surname; if there is no author, the article title comes first.], [author’s first name] [publication date; if there is no date, use the abbreviation n. d.]: [article title (not in italics)]. [website or name of online journal (in italics)], [publication date]. [URL without reference] [date of retrieval in squared parentheses].
- Kamer, Nimrod 2013: Brace yourselves for the proliferation of the 'finger hashtag'. Wired, 2013. június 3. [2022. 06. 15.]
- n.d. 2022: What is a (#) Hashtag? Hashtags, 2022. 9 May. [2023. 01. 15.]
Thank you for your cooperation!
Uniform manuscript rules for the journals of the Ludovika University of Public Service
For us, the most important thing is the reader - the language and argumentation of the texts should be suitable for addressing and engaging the professional and general public, but neither the desire for clarity nor the individual style of drafting should detract from the quality of the work to be published.
The journal publishes only new ideas that are worthy of discussion, sufficiently elaborated and well-written, by national and international standards. Only manuscripts based on original research and not previously published elsewhere, not including subsequent revisions of manuscripts based on previously published research, or not accepted for publication elsewhere, may be submitted. The author is responsible for the originality of the work submitted for publication, the factual and legal accuracy of the work, and the accuracy of the references.
The manuscript submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with the editorial rules set out herein.
The Editorial Office will send out for proofreading only manuscripts prepared in accordance with the above.
The rules of Hungarian spelling must be observed.
Technical requirements:
- resolution: at least 300 dpi (600 dpi for thin line illustrations);
- width: maximum 128 mm;
- minimum size: 200 kB.
Keyboard codes for special characters:
Quotation mark ("open and close"): Alt8222, Alt8221
Internal quotation mark ("open and close"): Alt0187, Alt0171
Secondary quotation mark ('): Alt0146
Uppercase (-): Alt0150
Three dots (...): Alt0133
Brackets (opening and closing): Alt40, Alt41
Square brackets (opening and closing): Alt91, Alt93